Yoga Moves to Beat Insomnia

What is insomnia?
Insomnia is sleep disorder that is usually caused by stressful way of life.
But there are other reasons that cause this state of mind, like illness for example.
Insomnia is a state of mind that shouldn’t be taken lightly and the person suffering from insomnia should consult professional.
Insomnia manifests as a lack of sleep during the night-sleep, usually in the form of a 2-3 our sleep in a period of time ( waking up during the night), felling of being awake while sleeping, or not being able to fall asleep at all.
People that suffer from insomnia feel stressed, sensitive, tired and not capable of accomplishing their activities the next day.
The situation gets worse when one sleepless night repeats it`s self night after night until the person feels that there is no longer a way out if it.

Insomnia can be a real nightmare for those who don’t know how to help them self.
There are many natural ways to treat insomnia that include herbs, regular workout, specific kind of food, yoga and meditation, specific behavior, listening to relaxing music and sounds, and many others.

Yoga is a method that offers a series of postures and breathing exercises practiced to achieve control over the body and mind leading to the state of tranquility.
Next time you find your-self being awake during the night, grab your yoga mat and start practicing Yoga.
Yoga moves for beating Insomnia:
– Relaxation at the beginning and at the end of the practice
– Reversed positions
– The twisted positions
– Meditation and others.
Regular practice of Yoga offers many benefits, one of them is beating insomnia and living with peaceful state of mind.

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